A surface receiving sound is moved weegy. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. A surface receiving sound is moved weegy

 The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lowerA surface receiving sound is moved weegy  Updated 11/29/2020 8:05:06 AM

D. B. nine times as low. D. nine times as low. nine times as low. three times as high. nine times as high. B. triptivt3 report flag outlined A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. B. nine times as high. B. three times as low. nine times as high. nine times as low. Weegy: Imagine that you're standing in a large room when a loud noise is made. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. D. nine times as low. three times as high. C. three times as high. nine times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens,. three times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. B. User: Sound waves can't travel through Weegy: Sound waves can't travel though vacuum. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. 14. B. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. B. Nine times lower B. nine times as high. [ You. Mathematically: sound intensity = acoustic pressure/normal area to the direction of propagation. three times as low. 008 second has a frequency of 125 Hz. B. B) nine times higher. three times as high. nine times as high. nine times as low. nine times as low B. nine times as low. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes: Nine times as low. three times as low. nine times as high. Weegy: A piston above a liquid in a closed container has an area of 1m2. D. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. Weegy: The frequency of a wave in the air that can be heard as an audible sound by the human ear is 1,000 Hz. nine times as low. nine times as high. Weegy: Given the formula E = IR the formula for R is R = IE User: A. B. three times as high. nine times as low. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes: Nine times as low. . The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. . A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. nine times as high. B. B. answered • expert verified. B. nine times as low. nine times as low. C. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three time as low The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: A surface. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. You begin hearing a series of echoes. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 7 options: A) nine times lower. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. nine times as low. D. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as high. three times as high. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. nine times as low. nine times as high. nine times lower. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 12 options: A) nine times lower. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. three times as high. B. 008 second has a frequency of 125 Hz. C. C. nine times as high. B. nine times as low. three times as low. C. B. three times as high. solution Intensity, E follows inverse square law. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. B. three times as low. C. nine times as low. B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. nine times as low. B. three times lower. three times as high. nine times as high. Weegy: Your boss tells you that she needs a decision by the end of the day about the machine you want to purchase for your new operation. C) nine times lower. Log in for more information. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. Weegy: Imagine that you're standing in a large room when a loud noise is made. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. B. User:. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. three times as high. nine times as low. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. 15. AN surface receiving schall is moved from its novel position to a position three times farther away from the print of the sound. air has high humidity. three times as low. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. " According to the inverse square law, when the surface is moved three times farther away, the distance is squared (3^2 = 9). nine times higher. B. three times as low A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. Weegy: A body is a particular amount of matter. nine times as low. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. three time as low. There are no new answers. C. B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. B. nine times as high. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. B. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position three times farther away from the source of the sound. C. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. three time as low. D. B. nine times as high. C. D) three times lower. nine times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as high. nine times as low. Rating. D. nine times lower. B. three times as low. B. Updated 11/29/2020 8:05:06 AM. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes NINE TIMES AS LOW. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 1 options: A) three times lower. Weegy: Given the formula E = IR the formula for R is R = IE User: A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. The intensity of the. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes NINE. 1. nine times as high. " According to the inverse square law, when the surface is moved three times farther away, the distance is squared (3^2 = 9). Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. nine times as high. the intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. nine times as low. C) three times higher. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. nine times as low. three times as high. B. nine times as low. three times as high. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes NINE. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. D. three times as low. B. B. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. C. three times as low. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times as high. three times as low. 15. D. D) nine times higher. The intensity of the. nine times as high D. ] User: a surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. B. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. 14. B. C. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A suface receiving sound is moved from its original positionto a position three times farther away from the source of thesound. three times as low. Weegy: Your boss tells you that she needs a decision by the end of the day about the machine you want to purchase for your new operation. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position three times father away from the source of the sound. B. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. B. C) three times higher. D. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as high. three times as high. C. nine times as low. 14. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Question 1 options: A) three times lower. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes: Nine times as low. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: An object with A mass of 120 kg is moving at a velocity of 60 m/s. nine times as high. nine times as low. Weegy: Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings. D) three times lower. [ ] User: your boss asks you compare two sound waves and determine which has the higher frequency 14. Weegy: A wave with a period of 0. nine times as high. nine times as high. B. C. three times as high. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the. D. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of. B. three times as high. B. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. Weegy: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. 15. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. nine times as high. nine times as low. nine times as high. 15. three times as high. three times as high. B. B. New answers. 008 second has a frequency of 125 Hz. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low. B. nine times as high. Rating. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. B. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. three times as low. three times as low. B) nine times higher. nine times. B. nine times as high. B. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times higher. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes Weegy: A. D. C. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. D. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. nine times as low. weegy; Answer; Search; More;. nine times as high. three times as high. When a sound from a source is refracted away from the surface of the earth, it gives an indication that the A. D. ] User: A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position three times farther away from the source of the sound the intensity of the. D. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. three times as low. The piston carries a load of 350 kg. So, when a surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound, its normal area becomes 9 times larger and intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times. three times as low. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes A. Weegy: A sound that's produced by a single wave at a constant frequency and with no overtones is called a PURE SOUND. nine times as low. three times as high. Comments.